Friday, May 14, 2010

Help with debt, debt counsellors

Debt counselling or Debt review is a debt restructuring process that allows the consumer to pay less towards his/her monthly debt obligations.
Debt counselling and debt review is regulated by the National Credit Act and regulated by the National Credit regulator (NCR)

Help with debt is proud to be registered with the NCR as Debt counsellors and we pride ourselves that we adhere to the strict regulations set forth in the Act when applying for debt counselling

Should you be in a position where you cannot meet all your monthly commitments and you feel like debt is drowning you, we are here to help with application for debt counselling.

On this web site you will get all relevant info on the debt counselling, cost and duration of the process of debt counselling and debt review as well as getting answerers for frequently asked questions.

You will also be able to download the debt counselling application for for a no obligation assessment

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