Saturday, June 5, 2010

Prevent property and vehicle repossession Pretoria

My car or property is about to be repossessed...what now?

When you are in arrears with your accounts the two most important assets you will want to protect is your car and your house. If you allow these assets to be repossessed by the bank, those cars and assets will be sold on auction. The reality of auction repossession sales is that there will always be a shortfall. This means that you as the account holder will still be liable for the amount in shortfall.

Lets say your property has a bond valued at R850 000 and this property only gets a bid of R500 000 on auction, you will still be liable for that shortfall of R350 000. The same goes for vehicles and other loose assets. Let me be very honest with you guys. If you don’t have the money to pay for your property or vehicle and it gets repossessed, where will you get the money to pay the shortfall? Worst of all you will still have to pay for something that you no longer own.

What can we do to help you prevent repossession of vehicles and property?

Help with Debt is registered with the NCR to be debt counsellors. We are able to stop all legal action against you and prevent the repossession of vehicles and property. Should you apply for debt counselling and debt review, we will lower your current payments on all your debt so that you can afford to pay it and keep all your assets.

You don’t need property to apply for debt counselling and debt review in South Africa. All you need is to be able to show income and have debt. Most importantly, you must have the desire to pay off all your debt as per the restructuring proposal that the debt counsellor will provide you with.

If you face vehicle or property repossession, please contact us as soon as possible and allow us the opportunity to give you free advice on how you can prevent the repossession.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How long to wait for debt counselling

We often get the following scenarios that can have the result that debt counselling and debt review actually outs you off much worse than your current situation. What happens if consumers wait too long after they realise that they are in financial distress before they apply for debt counselling and debt review. The answer is very simple yet there is a complex reasoning behind the answer.

If you leave your accounts to get so far in arrears and then apply for debt counselling, Help with debt, debt counsellors cannot guarantee that we will be able to lower that specific repayment. The reason being is that your creditors are forced to first bring your arrears amount up to date before they can start paying off your capital. Furthermore, the National Credit Act only allows consumers under debt counselling and debt review to extend certain agreements for a maximum period. This is also dependant on the age of the agreement. For instance, if you have only a few months left on your original contract term but you are in arrears with almost half the agreed amount, the period cannot be extended so much that you will benefit from debt counselling. I had a new client today that was more that 22 months in arrears with a finance agreement that only had 8 months (original) contract term left. The result was that the restructured payment for that account was almost R200 more than his original instalment.

This brings me to my next example. Normally if I get clients that are not in arrears with accounts but foresee a difficult financial future, I am almost guaranteed to more than halve their payments.

Bottom line. The sooner you make a plan to sort out a dismal financial situation, the better. Banks and other credit providers respect clients that are precaution and make arrangements through debt counselling and debt review sooner than later. If the credit providers have to phone trace and keep on asking you for money they will view you as a risk.

If you feel that you need some more information on the process of debt counselling and debt review, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Help with debt!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Quick debt counselling process explained

The debt counselling and review company of Help with debt offers a debt counselling and debt review services to all South Africans, where we offer HELP to clients struggling to meet their full monthly debt repayments and as a result struggle to survive. As a part of our debt counselling and debt review services, we help over-indebted clients restructure their total debt obligations in a way which is affordable to them, as assessed by the HELP WITH DEBT, debt counsellor in charge of the application. The Application for debt review and debt counselling will be conducted in terms of the National Credit Act no 34 of 2005, as well as governance by the National Credit regulator (NCR).
The HELP WITH DEBT, debt counsellor will:
• perform the debt review process,
• prepare a restructured payment plan for client
• and then propose this to their credit providers for acceptance.
Our well-organized admin team will notify all your credit providers that you have applied for debt review and debt counselling, and then negotiate a restructuring new payment plan with all your credit providers. The objective of this process is to obtain a consent order from the court to start paying debts as agreed by all parties involved. If credit provider disagrees with the restructure plan, and cannot propose a reasonable counter-offer, then the case will be referred to a magistrate’s/tribunal court and our attorneys’ will defend your matter in court.
We look forward to help you in creating a better cash flow for your living conditions to better.